DFI: Create (Hanga) and Multimodal - Overview notes...

Today was another great session at DFI with teachers collaborating, sharing, learning and creating. The day kicked off with a few words from Dorothy, then a session on Multimodal before moving on to google Sites. Here are my notes on the first two sessions... 

A few words from Dorothy on "Create" 

Create is the hook. It is how to engage students with the curriculum. 
We are educators need to have tricks in our tool kit to engage our learners and create is one of those hooks. It is more than the charisma of the teacher, although teachers who have this are amazing. 

"Our ultimate goal is a world full of playfully creative people." (Lifelong Kindergarten Group) This is something to think about. How are we supporting this daily? Dorothy says, "No young person should feel that create is only for ECE's." It is an opportunity to express and explore new ideas. 

Make sure that "Create" is in our planning. Have we as educators had the experience to be creative in a week? 

Create is a doing word. It involves all of the senses and the whole body! The heart in the image above symbolises the spirit and cultural ways to share. 

The ability to create for most of the learners we work with involves doing something not just thinking about it. 

The digital allows us to take creativity to places that we couldn't before. It allows us to amplify the create that is happening. It allows us to have a larger and more authentic audience base. 

"Let's put the emphasis for students to be creates of content rather than just consumers." (Dorothy Burt) 

Multimodal (Different modes of communicating information) 

Looking at engaging and empowering students with multiple modes of communication. For example: watch a movie, looking at a diagram, reading a text all on the same concept. Students choice in how they would like to access the information for learning. 

- The hook. Giving students a preview of the content in an exciting way like a 'window dressing' for what they will be learning. 
- Using sight, sound and motion to engage (Sisomo - Kevin Roberts) 
-  Immersion assemblies at Point England - a way to hook students into the topic of the term. 

Once you have hooked them teach them. Think of using interesting texts and pushing the learning further. You could also show differing perspectives on an issue. 
This relates to the work Woolf Fisher have done around "Wide & Deep" or "T-Shaped Literacy". 


Overall a really cool day of sharing, collaborating and recapturing the amazing power of Learn, Create, Share for empowered, connected, ubiquitous and visible learning. 

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