Looking for the direction of change for Reading.
All of our teachers need shared ideas about what the end point is and what needs to be done differently to get to the end point.
Take the snapshot (observation) and have a professional conversation. The snap shot will allow us to know what is going on in classrooms. The snapshot is summative - what does it look like? It is a moment in time. How does it change from before to now? The professional conversation comes after as a formative function for Leadership to mentor and support change. What the teach needs to change after the analysis of the snapshot.
Today we are aiming to have a shared idea about what we are seeing in the snapshot and what it is coded as what. We are calibrating our scales so that we all come up with the same results. We need to know when this is an instance of the thing and when it is not the instance of the thing e.g. is it a vase or a cup? and what makes it so.
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