Link to their Site (lesson plans and ideas!)
Hook - The sorting algorithm, find a number, then go through the steps to order from smallest to largest.
Ethical concerns around programmes like "Big Dog"... funded by Military... This technology can be used against humans if it is in the wrong hands.
Hanson Robotics' Sophia - Singing Duet on the tonight show. Sophia taught herself to sing through watching youtube videos using deep algorithms.
Skin Vision - Mole mapping. Able to recognise when you need to be concerned and go to the Dr for moles.
Zephyr's Cora - Self flying drone planes. 6 passengers with no pilot.
Tech Ethics & Morals
The moral machine - what should a self driving car do?
Something to think about are the values of the people creating the code for the machine. The people currently in the major coding firms are majority white, males over 40. How does that change the values of the machine?
Understanding computer science - computational thinking.
Designing outcomes - understanding digital systems and the application behind that.
Based around a wire - On (1) or Off (0) - called a bit
The more wires the more information.
Using the worksheet below to find out what the binary for numbers would be... if the box can be filled you can count it. If it is empty you can not count it. Start at the largest you can fill in and work forwards from there (left to right). Must have the correct number of dots for the number.
Hour of Code - good for younger students
Toxic Code - good for older students.
Scratch 10 block challenge - good way to start for learners, rather than a blank canvas gives them some confidence with moving blocks around.
Unplugged resources for computational thinking.
Unplugged resources for computational thinking.
A self review tool for teachers to understand the Digital Curriculum (that needs to be implemented next year).
Scratch from Scratch!
Starting a maze... change the size of the characters first to make sure that they fit inside the stage.
Then once sprites are in the correct position find > Events when Green Flag AND go to x y (the coordinates will be the starting point for the sprite).
To slow down change the number of pixels moved.
Once you have finished this level you can make a multi levelled game.
Code to make the cheesy puffs disappear!
Video of the finished game!!!