What about our code of standards?
Key Competencies and Leadership
Being flexible, thinking critically, thinking from different perspectives
Using Language symbols and texts
Biculturalism - looking at where the learners come from and being inclusive of this.
Being a good communicator - knowing what will engage your audience.
Understanding that people show what they know in different ways.
Managing self
Showing what is expected of you - walking the walk not just talking the talk
Being able to follow
Not being the be all and end all - being an active participant
Being Colledual
Relating to Others
Communicating effectively
Getting to know the people you work with - the community, forming a relationship.
Participating and contributing
Being able to follow
Use people for their strengths - fountain of knowledge in that area
Creating a diverse leadership
We believe that all of the Key Competencies relate to each of the Professional Standards for teaching. It is important to do all of these things well.
MANAAKITANGA: Creating a welcoming, caring and creative learning environment that treats everyone with respect and dignity.
Relating to others
Managing Self
Participating and contributing
Using Languages Symbols & Texts
WHANAUNGATANGA: Engaging in positive and collaborative relationships with our learners, their families and whānau, our colleagues and the wider community.
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WHAKAMANA: empowering all learners to reach their highest potential by providing high-quality teaching and leadership
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PONO: showing integrity by acting in ways that are fair, honest, ethical and just.